Estimating Chart

Use this chart to estimate the volume of your goods. Then match the number of cubic feet you need with the right size storage space.

Cubic Feet Per Piece Number of Pieces Total Cubic Feet
Card table, clothes basket 1
Table lamps, ironing board, footstool, golf bag, clubs 2
Floor lamp, clothes hamper,
high chair, portable sewing machine, vacuum cleaner, lawn chair, heater, tool chest
Table, chair, coffee, end or night tables, toy chest, tricycle 4
Barbecue, lawn mower, picnic bench, step ladder, foot locker, wagon 5
Playpen, wheelbarrow, bicycle 6
Rugs or pads, portable TV, crib, garden hose and tools, filing cabinet 8
Breakfast table, cedar chest, chaise lounge 10
Bookcase, rocking chair. Console TV 12
Occasion chair, corner cabinet 13
Dishwasher 15
Recliner chair, china cabinet, desk, bureau, dresser, washing machine, picnic table, sewing set 20
Buffet, double dresser, range 25
Buffet w/hutch top, couch, sofa, single bed 30
Hide-A-Bed 35
Wardrobe closet (Armoire) 36
Refrigerator 40
Double bed, freezer 45
Grant total

Estimating the size of a storage space needed: Size may vary due to wall thickness and height. Most units are 10 feet in height. To arrive at the number of cubic feet in a storage space, follow the example. Approximate size = Square feet x Height = Cubic feet
5 x 10 = 50 x 10 = 500

Quick rule of thumb to determine size of space needed:

Personal items only, i.e. skis, boxes, clothes 5 X 5
1-2 Bedroom apartment 5×10
2 Bedroom dwelling 10 X 10
3 Bedroom dwelling 10×15 to 10×20
5-7 Room house 10×20 to 10×30